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About www.kemalova.info

The website www.kemalova.info is designed most of all to help tuition in Old-Bulgarian language, Historical grammar of Bulgarian language and Bulgarian dialectology.
In order to achieve its object it contains different tests and exercises for self-training and verification of one’s knowledge, as well as main theoretical notes for the basic issues. Thus the site could be of assistance not only for the students but for everyone who would like to increase their language competence.
The titles included in “Bibliographic massive” sector have a wider spectrum of the exigible literature in order to be useful for everyone occupied with Historical Bulgarian linguistics at either professional or amateur level.
Specially for the students of PU “Paisiy Hilendarski” who study History of Bulgarian language there have been created directories for current control and topical information.
The purpose is giving the opportunity for one convenient and fast alternate relation between teacher and student.
The forum attached to the site is a hospitable place to rest, have fun and share common interests where everybody is welcome.

With respect - А. Kemalova


Tzar Asen 24
PU “Paisiy Hilendarski”


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Дъска за обяви
График на занятията

в електронна среда

Външни връзки
» Пловдивски университет "Паисий Хилендарски"
-------------------------------- » Филогически факултет - Пловдивски Университет
» Църковнославянски шрифтове
» "Преславска книжовна школа"- Научен център

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